5 Conversation Topics You Should Avoid on A Date

A date is meant to be an enjoyable experience. However, establishing a rapport between two people can be difficult, especially if you are strangers to each other. Therefore, some conversation topics should be avoided altogether when on a date. Make sure to apply this dating if you want to make a good impression and get that second date.

Another thing which a first date should be is light and cheerful. Don’t interrogate your date as the first date should be about getting to know them. The conversation is something that should naturally take place but don’t make the mistake of talking about the wrong things. Here is the countdown of 5 conversation topics you should avoid on a first date.

1. An Ex

In the first couple of dates, you should only be conversing to get to know each other better, which means bringing up those things that will help daters get closer to one another. Talking about the past or one’s past is a no-no.

One of the worst mistakes a date can make is to talk about an ex. Even though it is a typical subject on the agenda that daters speak about on average. It is a subject that a dater should not talk about from the get-go.

If a someone is asked about an ex-husband, ex-wife, ex-boyfriend, or ex-girlfriend directly, they should answer the question without divulging a lot of information. Don’t dare ask your date about their ex, just avoid it. There’s a time and place for this topic but it should never become the main topic of conversation on a starter date. A dater who talks about an ex could come across looking like they are bitter or still not over it.

2. No Money Details

Daters should never discuss their finances. It is looked on as being taboo and with just cause. Two people who are out on a first date should never reveal how much money they make from their job or how much they are worth in general. Money topics tend to be awkward and can make daters feel uncomfortable.

A dater can be viewed as bragging or arrogant when discussing their money. Early on, daters can ask a simple question such as what dreams they hope to achieve with their money or if they are a spender or a saver. while you can freely mention job titles and what you do for a living, talking about specifics should be avoided.

3. Skip Politics

There are many reasons not to discuss politics on a date. First of all, it’s not sexy, and it can start a fight. It is too heavy a topic for a first date. No dater wants to lose the chance of a second date due to differences in political opinions.

We all have political views, and it’s best not to share them when on a date for the first time. The very same can be said about values, morals, and beliefs. Politics is a volatile topic that can serve to stir up confrontational conversations. It is okay to talk about current events and other news but remember to do it respectfully.

4. No Religious Stuff

Definitely, without a doubt, one of the topics that two people should never discuss on a date is religion. It is as equally taboo a subject as politics and sex, although religion can unite a couple who have common backgrounds and values, ut is best to not talk about religious stuff on a date. The reason is that it can prove to be a significant turn-off to the other dater who may greatly respect their religious beliefs.

Now, unless you meet another date at a place of worship or through a dating site that focuses on religion, you should pretty much keep your opinions about your religious beliefs to yourself. Religion is a highly personal topic, and just like politics, it is a very touchy subject. It’s highly advised to not bring up these issues while out on a date.

5. Nothing About Sex or Sexual Experience

When you are on a date, it’s best to stick with light and easy topics. Sex or sexual experiences can be a very personal topic as well. It just isn’t wise to discuss this topic with a fellow dater right off the bat. Daters should avoid conversing about their sex lives as talking about how many sexual encounters you have had or how many dates should not be mentioned.

The same can be said for one dater, telling the other how much they turn them on. Also, never discuss desiring to take the other party home to bed them to have sex. These are things that can be a total turn-off and chase a date away very fast. Talking about sex too strongly, or coming across as being too sexually aggressive, can only serve to drive the other person away.

Dating is very much like a numbers game. You must do your best and try to put your best foot forward at all times. You want to make a good impression overall and are only given one chance to do it.

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