‘Cruising on the Captain’ Excerpt

“I’m sorry to announce that the captain won’t be joining us tonight, there was a complication with docking today which has been fixed, but he needs to make sure the systems are all tested for tomorrow. I do apologise,” said one of the staff.

This wasn’t where Hannah wanted to be right now, but knew that if she didn’t stick with it, it could make the rest of the holidays even more awkward. She got talking in more detail to the women next to her and that helped her relax, as did the wine. The evening wore on and Hannah enjoyed the food and was in no rush to leave when she had finished, she started to enjoy the company that surrounded her.

“Hello, Miss, may I have a word,” said a voice from behind; it was one of the staff. “The captain has asked if he could speak with you.”

Hannah’s heart sank as she began to get nervous. “Yeah, sure,” was her quick reply.

She wondered what it was that he wanted; she was looking forward to having the captain sat at her table on the night, but had let her guard down before she heard the news. The staff member said that he’d guide her to where the captain was, but she firstly asked for a toilet break so that she could compose herself. She touched up her make-up; made sure her hair was okay and took a few deep breaths before she left the bathroom.

He led Hannah through the corridors, wondering whether she was going to be going back to the bridge to meet the captain once again. That’s not where she was taken however, she was led to the captain’s personal quarters, and she was left there in peace.

She knocked on and awaited a reply from the other side. The captain opened the door an invited her in, he was looking as handsome as ever all dressed up in his captain uniform. She was excited to be alone with him, this time without any distractions.

The captain looked incredibly handsome in his uniform. It was white with gold and black detail; he had a captain’s hat, a sharply pressed suit, perfectly manicured trousers and shoes that shined in the light. Hannah was wet just looking at him, and all of her troubles and worries left her head immediately.

“How can I help you Captain?” said Hannah, deliberately playing the fool.


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