The Top 10 Relationship Deal Breakers

5 Mistakes That Ruin A Relationship

There are certain things that can ruin a relationship before it even has a chance to start. These are called “relationship deal breakers.” Everyone has different ones, but there are some that seem to be common across the board. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 relationship deal breakers. Keep these in mind if you are in a new relationship, or if you are considering getting into one!

The Top 10 Relationship Deal Breakers

Ten: Dishonesty

If your partner is constantly lying to you, it is going to be very difficult to have a healthy relationship with them. Lying can ruin trust, and without trust, there is no foundation for a strong relationship.

Nine: Bad Communication Skills

If your partner cannot communicate effectively, the relationship will quickly fall apart. Communication is key in any relationship – without it, misunderstandings and resentment will build up over time.

Eight: Being Unsupportive

If your partner does not support you in your endeavors, or if they are always negative, it will be hard to maintain a healthy relationship with them. A supportive partner is one of the most important things you can have in a relationship.

Seven: Being Selfish

If your partner only thinks of themselves and does not consider your feelings, it will be very difficult to have a lasting relationship with them. A healthy relationship requires both partners to think about the other person’s needs as well as their own.

Six: Not Having Shared Interests

If you and your partner do not share any interests, you will quickly grow bored of each other. It is important to have things in common with your partner so that you can enjoy spending time together.

Five: Poor Hygiene Habits

Nobody wants to date or be around someone who does not take care of their hygiene habits. Bad breath, body odor, and dirty nails are all huge turn-offs.

Four: Being a Workaholic

If your partner is always working and they never have time for you, it will be difficult to sustain a healthy relationship with them. A work/life balance is important in any relationship.

Three: Having Different Values

If you and your partner do not share the same values, it will be hard to agree on things and the relationship will eventually fall apart. It is important to have similar values in order to have a successful relationship.

Two: Being Abusive

Physical, emotional, or verbal abuse is never acceptable in a relationship. If your partner is abusive, it is best to get out of the relationship as as possible.

One: Being Disrespectful

If your partner is constantly disrespecting you, it will be very difficult to have a healthy relationship with them. Respect is one of the most important things in any relationship.

Final Thoughts

These are just some of the most common relationship deal breakers. It is important to keep these in mind if you are in a new relationship, or if you are considering getting into one! What are some of your own personal relationship deal breakers? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks for reading!


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